At Age 63 Should I Still Post?

Posted by: Kendrra

Mar 30, 2013

I haven't posted in over 2 years. I just got the urge to try it again. These are some various shot I took over the last couple of months. Should I still be posting at age 63? Thanks for all your comments as I do love reading each and every one of them! Kendrra :)

Recent Comments for At Age 63 Should I Still Post? (84)
  • Absolutely!! My god you have an absolutely beautiful body! Damn!
  • You look incredibly sexy. Anyone with good taste can tell by your poses that you are a class act. More good lookin' ladies like you should post. Because, honestly, Im not asking why shouldn't this excite me?, and I'm in my forties.
  • Hell yeah u should!!!! Need a man in uf life?U look amazing!
  • et us meet in mumbai man_bombay2000@
  • WOW what a beautiful woman and a very hot and sexy body. You put women 1/2 and 2/3 younger than you to shame. You are awesome!!! Please show more or even send private pics. You're beautiful. ntxman5@
  • Please keep us cummin!!!!
  • You make girls half your age jealous... love to see more... keep them 'd love to see more directly at bslo469@
  • Kendrra, YES! YES! YES! You should pose and post more, more, more! I love your luscious, sexy body. Please feel free to send more pics for review to clm5470@. I will be happy to give you my honest and adoring opinion.
  • I had to come back for another look... you are beautiful and well together... definitely need to post again and again... send some in pricate too!!! Love to see more of your beautiful body! Like to lay my chin on your Venus Mound and tickle your fancy with my tongue... jddawson_1969@
  • Please don't stop Kendrra!
  • hell yes! you have a amazing wait to see more of you!
  • YES, YES, YES. You have a fantastic body and I would love to see more of it. swbryant3@
  • H E L L - Y E S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • omg! ur 63? Your 20 yrs older then me, and smoking hot! U blow away some younger girls, so YES, keep posting that sexy body!
  • Please keep posting. Very sexy. Great tits and body. You could pass for a woman half your age with your body and sexy way. carolinalovin44@
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