Looking For Bi Bbw and Strait Guys

Posted by: Bbw Shay

Sep 5, 2013

we are a couple looking for bi bbw,s and strait guys to join us in threesomes or foresomes black or white guys don't matter and the same for the bi women

Recent Comments for Looking For Bi Bbw and Strait Guys (32)
  • She's so exciting naked lady! Very arousing big tits, ass and shaved pussy!
  • you are very BEAUTIFUL,thanks and please show more
  • I love big girls! SEXY. plymothcuda16@
  • TOO FUNNY and it looks like one of the SCAMMERS/SPAMMERS I'm busting is insulted. I will continue to bust you day and night. Keep up the idiocy.
  • Well, "00000K," you found yourself a playmate. Since all of your playmates are undoubtedly male, that isn't that surprising you'd hook up with another closet h0m0 like "green hornet." You see, "green hornet" is another basher I've shown up on this board on MANY an occasion. Self-appointed guardian, is that how you think I see myself? Nah, I'm just a guy who thinks that if you bash women anonymously that you're a coward, a cretin, and a worthless piece of waste . . . and I just like to shine the light on you. What pisses you clods off is that you think that YOU have a right to abuse women here, but you believe you should be free FROM abuse for doing so. Your inability to see both the cowardice and hypocrisy in your acts is quite telling.
  • for westcoast9!!! SAME "copy & paste" comment on every post, every day. Usually waits until late/next day to keep from being flagged off of the board. BEWARE!
  • Like that butt of yours. Would love to put my dick in it. DandW4funn@
  • Notice that "00000K" (gee, I've lost count . . . how many monikers have you created now?) doesn't attempt to counter what I wrote with any type of coherent, intelligent discourse. (But we all know that he is fully incapable of intelligent action.) Instead he once again resorts to the "I know you are, but what am I?" tactic. He essentially claims that the issues attributed to him are really the failings of his accuser. Face it, the anger and frustration drips from your words. All you've made clear is that what I wrote hit much too close to home for your comfort, and you can't deal with the truth about yourself being set forth for all to see. LOL
  • Fifth, those who are latently h0m0sexual and can't accept it about themselves, so they direct their anger outwards, usually at innocent people. Sixth, those who are unhappy with their lives--professional, social and/or romantic--who try to make themselves feel better by making others feel worse. Seventh, cowards who never outgrew their resentment at being bullied and want to be the attacker for a change. And finally (and this was funny), assholes who just get off on being mean. What "winners" you are! LOL
  • So I said, "Probably . . . but let's assume for a moment that these are actual adults." He said that these types of people could fall into a few different categories. First, immature men lacking any type of social graces or understanding. Second, bitter people trying to make themselves feel better by "evening a score" against the women who probably rejected them. Third, men who are unsure or uncomfortable with their own sexual identity . . . they fear they may be g@y and try to ease their minds by acting as if certain women don't "meet their standards." Fourth, those for whom this is a "learned pattern of conduct"--the male figure in their lives probably treated women in a similar manner. (Cont.)
  • You know, it's amusing. I wrote about this before, but thought I'd share again. I showed these boards to a colleague of mine who is a clinical psychologist. I asked him--in his professional opinion--what kind of man posts the abusive comments like those we see here. His response was quite telling. He said that we should first assume that the bashers here are unsupervised teenage boys who are still unsure of their sexuality and who are acting out in a misogynistic manner due to their misguided belief that bullying and name calling are somehow proof of being "tough." (Cont.)
  • UGH. No thank you
  • Hope you did not have to pay by the pound !!!
  • she is looking for anything that will have her

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