Dear all, This is my Valentine gift for you. First time ever I've worn red stockings. Which color could be more appropriate for Valentine's Day? Me, I have to confess that this contri is one of my favorites so far. Hope you agree with me :) Happy Valentine's Day, Bri P.S.: For those who care about my health, no, I did not get sick after this shooting ;)
Recent Comments for Bri: Happy Valentine's Day (98)
From the fabled founding of VoyeurWeb in 1997 through this day in 2024 Bri is one of VoyeurWeb's "all time" Hall of Fame best AND ALSO a self-confident German woman all Germany can be proud of! ABSOLUTELY! I wish that Bri was still participating here, and I hope that she is alive, well, and happy in 2024. BRAVA, BRI!
Danke, Peter. Es freut mich, dass dir meine Bilder und mein Körper gefallen :) Ja, ihr dürft euch auf noch viele weitere Contris von mir freuen ;o) LG, Bri
Hallo Bri, ich sehe mir deine fantastischen Bilder schon seid langem an. Du hast einen anbetungswürdigen Körper und eine super natürliche Ausstrahlung. Hoffentlich dürfen wir auch zukünftig deine Bilder bewundern. Vorab schon mal ein herzliches Dankeschön.
Ohne Worte, Du bist einfach perfekt Bri!!! Für mich hast Du den Perfekten Körper, ein wunderschönes Aussehen und deine Bilder sind einfach klasse,....weiter so.
Bri, you are always a beauty, no matter where you are. But, snow shots with no boots? You are one crazy, hot, gorgeous babe. Kepp 'em coming. Happy Valentine's to you, too.
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Bri: Happy Valentine's Day
Posted by: Bri
Dear all, This is my Valentine gift for you. First time ever I've worn red stockings. Which color could be more appropriate for Valentine's Day? Me, I have to confess that this contri is one of my favorites so far. Hope you agree with me :) Happy Valentine's Day, Bri P.S.: For those who care about my health, no, I did not get sick after this shooting ;)