Much love and respect always, to Viko! From the fabled founding of VoyeurWeb in 1997 through this day in 2025 Viko is one of VoyeurWeb's "all time" Hall of Fame best! I wish that Viko was still participating here, and I hope that Viko is alive, well and happy in 2025!
Dear Viko: I love when you take time out from being a busy Mom and take beautiful pictures for another magnificent contribution. I have been you fan since day one. Your beauty in REAL and your face a vision of loveliness. I can't get over your true blue eyes and no man on Earth can ignore your superb body. You are shaped and formed so perfectly, other women are envious. You have the face of an angel and a "drop me dead" body. Love ya! Tim
Dressed Sexy
Posted by: Viko
Just for fun :)