It is sad to say but we will not be posting anymore on this site, too many negative comments. We love the site and wish some people could be banned. Lets here the negative comments now. I know most of you appreciate all women as I do and the loser's that bash never post. There is a reason we can not show her face dumb ass's, if you had a job you would know. I will do one more post of our 17th anniversary. Just for the rest of you. may take a day or two, just wanted to let you all know it its too bad these few a holes ruin a good thing.
its a shame the losers are running you off. Come over to redclouds bb and have fun with those of us that actually pay to be here. she is beautiful. happy anniversary
We think constructive criticism is good but the gratuitous rubbishing of the wonderful (I repeat REAL) women who are brave enough to post here should be filtered out. Who gives a flying *%$# what these sad, bitter little men think anyway? kkmmaa69@
Oh great, another real woman has been put off posting by a few sad little men who, for some sick reason, get their jollies from making tasteless, ignorant and hurtful comments.
no matter where you go there will always be some douche that needs a bush, or needs to see a face or thinks every woman over 80lbs is fat. forget them, they are the minority. keep posting for the rest of us that appreciate a real every day woman just like the ones we married.
Sorry that you feel that way. There are many people on here that do appreciate the fact that so many sexy ladies are willing to share themselves with us. daves-fun@
That's sad that you are no longer posting. I love those pics of the woman in your posts. I would love to have encountered her in reality. She has a sexy body.
First-that old saying if you can't say something nice don't say anything Second- you post what you want not what someone else wants Third- I like seeing the faces but I can understand how some might feel not right with it but I think if someone is on here looking they are not saints themselves. If you don't post yourself then you don't have to criticize someone else
Sorry to see you go and even sorrier to see the childish bashers stay. Must be hard to read their crap, but if you let them drive you away, it will only stoke their pin-dick little egos and keep them going. Please reconsider.
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17th Anniversary
Posted by: Baseball Mom
It is sad to say but we will not be posting anymore on this site, too many negative comments. We love the site and wish some people could be banned. Lets here the negative comments now. I know most of you appreciate all women as I do and the loser's that bash never post. There is a reason we can not show her face dumb ass's, if you had a job you would know. I will do one more post of our 17th anniversary. Just for the rest of you. may take a day or two, just wanted to let you all know it its too bad these few a holes ruin a good thing.