webtazzz , well darn ; I was waiting for you to tell me about your big house, how much money you make and how important you really, really, really ; Oh well! Hasta!
Katillac, I'll tell you what people like me do, we DO not look at pictures of ugly bitches like you, yes I looked up your pictures. Poor baby, now run along and crawl back under that rock you've been hiding under for the past year , you poor ;
webtazzz , I feel sorry for you little ; I have been keeping my fat, ugly pictures to myself for over a year ; Now run along! Go do whatever it is bitter, delusional people like you ;
webtazzz , Did you bother to check my profile? You must be some Einstein because YOU and other men like who have never uploaded a single contri are the reason I do not send in photos any ; Your hurtful mean comments are not nice or ; If you do not like a contri, vote it ; If you don't have something nice to say keep your vile, spiteful comments to ; Admit it - you little boys get off on denigrating legitimate contributions.
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