Chuck Pezolt Park

Posted by: Yami

Nov 19, 2012

This is our first posting. Pics are from today. A woman and her told us to "go ahead" after Yami asked her if it was ok to take off her top. Another family showed up and called the cops. Some call it indecent exposure, we call it decent exposure. We'll try to hit as many parks as we can along with other "themes" Take care. See you soon!!!

Recent Comments for Chuck Pezolt Park (15)
  • Right you are, rpm888! 100% right! The " art " is annoying! TOTALLY 
  • Fantastic shots! I live by this park. Too bad I wasn't around when you took them. Maybe next time. Like the pictures, and your look
  • The "art" is annoying. Concentrate on the chick.
  • Nice inventive shots. I really like #2.
  • Yami you are very sexy... awesome boobs and that ass looks so good in those jeans... love to see them come off... thanks et
  • Some very Sexy Artsy shots. A nice change.
  • Hey, I'm all for decent exposure. Very pretty lady. Thanks for showing, sharing & posting. Looking forward to mor epics of her & MORE of her.
  • You are a very beautiful woman with an incredibly sexy body! I hope to see MUCH more of you!!! Maybe you could even e-mail me? jkapy@
  • I would only recommend that this beautiful woman get a more attractive hair style to compliment that pretty face and body.
  • Great artistic shots, but I'd love to see the complete package in RC!!
  • Very artistic! The moron who called the police should go back to the 19th Century.
  • A SUPERB 10 all the way A Magnificent Golden Goddess I would love to take you in my arms and cover every inch of your magnificent, perfect, naked body with passionate hot wet kisses Michael michaelpatrick55@
  • Hello Tommy7. No, I do not have a webcam show.
  • nice small tits, what else you got?
  • You are stunningly beautiful! Don't get in trouble, but please share more pictures of your lovely self! Steve in NC sferguson53 at yahoo dot com

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