Selma Brasil: Tambaba Beach

Posted by: Selma Brasil

Dec 19, 2012

Tambaba Beach, Paraíba State.

Recent Comments for Selma Brasil: Tambaba Beach (16)
  • Here's hoping you get your wish!
  • STILL TRUE IN 2022 :  It is always wonderful to see Selma Brasil's bottom ("ass") fully exposed and with no cloth between her buttocks ("ass cheeks").                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         QUESTION : Did she ever display her breasts and pussy? 
  • love to lick her ass
  • It is always wonderful to see Selma Brasil's bottom ("ass") fully exposed and with no cloth between her buttocks ("ass cheeks")
  • perfect ass for bending over and stuffing that pussy from behind and slapping that great ass.
  • Ate que enfim uma contribuiçao que valha a pena?? Voce ja foi mais ousada e mais sexy! Porra essas gringas nem chegam perto da delicia de uma mulher brasileira se mostre!!!!!
  • Repugnante Puerco!!!!!
  • Selma, with all due respect, pictures of your ass are beginning to BORE ME TO DEATH!! Turn around & show us your TITTS!!
  • In the 5th picture she is taking a dump.
  • I guess all you have is a fat ass to show us.
  • Beautiful legs, shapely and smooth! Nice calves, sexy bare thighs, great ass!
  • Damn baby! You must be BUTT-ASS ugly since you never turn around. Pussy must be ugly too, since you never show that either...
  • Retire the fat ass'd bitch!
  • did she ride on those rocks i hope
  • Selma has a very alluring anus, but I think that the group would like to see her from the front.

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