Same bench, no dress. Taken just as the police were arriving on the "crime scene". Being officers of the law they made a racket as they came over because they love to herald their own arrival. If they had been jolly coppers looking for a closer view, as others had before and since, then like the rest of us they would have been all smiles with a more subtle approach run. To give one of them credit he thought it amusing and was most unvexed in stark contrast to "sarge". lol ; ) x
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My very small tits - Diane
Posted by: Diane
Same bench, no dress. Taken just as the police were arriving on the "crime scene". Being officers of the law they made a racket as they came over because they love to herald their own arrival. If they had been jolly coppers looking for a closer view, as others had before and since, then like the rest of us they would have been all smiles with a more subtle approach run. To give one of them credit he thought it amusing and was most unvexed in stark contrast to "sarge". lol ; ) x