Posted by: Toughie
I kept noticing this person in the neighborhood where I was working and one day I asked her to look at some prints of earlier contris Plantspirit and I had done. She told me her nickname was "Toughie" and really liked what we had and when I asked if she might be interested in doing something like this, she said she had always wanted too but never had the opportunity. Weeeeeell....... I brought an old chair from our house and the shoplights...set up a makeshift studio in the kitchen/dining room in the Pastor's house I had been remodelling... of course it was at night and no one was around... and we made a few photos to see what we could come up with.<br />Toughie was half scared, VERY nervous...excited.. not too shy but thrilled to be doing something like this. She really wanted to do some outdoor shots at the creek but it was so cold when we did these... it felt good to be inside. She later told me that she wants to do some pictures with her clothes on so she can show her kids...hehehehe