Posted by: Lil phi and Lil emily
As promised by Li'l phi in her latest EIP on Hollywood Boulevard, she and Li'l emily got together for a little naked fun at my place. As they both enjoy baking goodies in the kitchen, brownies were on the menu today.Positive comments and lots of Superbs will bring these two back together again for an encore.~ Damienp.s. The girls wanted me to shout out to members of their mutual fan clubs - Dan and Peggy, Viper, Lou, Alan, both Jims from OR and NC, Henry from Brazil, Cam, "Ray" from England, Russ (thanks for letting the girls use your hotel room last weekend), Johan from the Netherlands, Ar, Al, John from NC, plugger from Melbourne, "Old Man" Dan and ContriCritic (whatever your real name is).If your interested in being in the girls' fan clubs, ya gotta leave your e-ddresses in the comments section.