My Friend's Wife!

Posted by: Captain Spaulding

Aug 12, 2007

I went over to my best friend's house at 8 AM on a Saturday (as requested, he was working) to pickup his truck to take to the shop for brake work. I rang the bell -no answer, but the front door was unlocked. Anyway, I hollered; no answer, but the radio was on. I went throught to the kitchen and saw his wife on the back patio (she turns 55 in August 2007 - no kidding!). She had just finished spraying bugs, and was stripping out side to go get a shower. She never saw are heard me, and I snapped pics as fast as I could!I was able to back out to the front door and ring the bell again - she open the door covered up - end of story!

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Recent Comments for My Friend's Wife! (1)
  • If you believe the photographer’s story that this woman is his “friend's wife,“ you probably also believe that a Ukranian billionaire will pay you $10-million to help him bring $100-million into the United States and all you have to do is give him your checking number and your social security number. Right? Of course you do!

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