Posted by: superzoom
Back from vacation, I just saw Kates comments on my contri "Big breasts in Berlin". I think there are a few things to explain. First I was very amused. Sadly we saw a few very bad contris in the past. And then I get such advices... well... To me the question is not: Will my contri win a price? The question is: Is my contri worth to look at? If the answer is yes, I publish the pictures. I just share my hobby (filming naked girls) with others. Probably millions if we can trust Kates words. The pics of Berlin (and many others) are from my beginning as a voyeur. When I was filming then I used the digital zoom of my camcorder. On the tiny little screen of the camcorder the pics seemed very good and clear. But when you watch them on a bigger screen at home you see the problems. Not sharp and unclear. But should I waste them? My answer is no. In the meanwhile I learned a lot. Some contris are brandnew, there you can see the difference. And to speak it out clear: If will never take the risk to get in jail for better, closer pics! Hey, you viewers and critics out there: Have you ever tried to film naked girls? Do you know the feeling when you sit in the middle of a crowded beach with your camera running? Always ready to run? To run the 100 meters in a new world record time of 9.5 seconds? If not, try it - and do it better! To the pleasure of mine and so much other fans of voyeur pics. And never forget: Have fun! This is just a website with naked girls, not the meaning of life. About this contri: I saw this girl when I visited Cap d'Agde in the south of France. I do not anymore use the digital zoom of my camcorder. Thats why these pics are much clearer and sharper than the Berlin-Pics. Kate will love them. LOL: Or at least he will like them. Superzoom