
Offline Age: -47.777956109362 y.o Status: VW Verified
  •  .Been going down memory lane and after a really long and heart breaking relationship. I have decided to focus on myself instead of someone else for a change. One of the first things I have realized about myself is I am addicted to all things sex.  I have had many fun girlfriends who were insatiable like me. And I felt the need to share the explicit times with this community of like minded sex fiends. I'm not 'tech savvy' and many if not all of my contributions will be of low picture quality.    If anyone can refer me to a good program or method of transferring dvd format videos and images to whats acceptable on the sites here, please contact me and let me know.  Currently I have several hundred hours if not more of home videos of my sexapades with various ex girlfriends and friends or one night stands. and ofcourse  a lot with the 'ex' who had me spellbound. I still talk with and fuck with many of them. but the action has simmered down due to the curve balls that life tends to throw. It builds character though right? Anyways. Hope you all enjoy my amateur moments that I plan to contribute and share with the funbags ,redclouds voyeurweb homeclips community. cause I absolutely do enjoy all of yours. Much love and sex to all. Please check my studio out at fap house . just search peepeyesho and some other content not seen here will pop up. OR TYPE to support me there. 

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